As an airline pilot, you may be eligible to start drawing your Social Security as soon as you retire from the airlines, but should you? As with so many things in finance, it depends. Optimizing your social security benefit is complicated and it can be confusing trying to grasp all of the moving parts. Plus, what about…
✈︎ When is your government-defined Full Retirement Age?
✈︎ Will your spouse receive any benefits?
✈︎ Do you anticipate retirement income from other sources?
✈︎ And,… will Social Security even be around by the time I retire? (Spoiler alert: yes, we think it will.)
Kevin and Charlie discuss how the answers to these questions correlate and share their 3 RECOMMENDATIONS on how to decide when is right for you to begin your benefit.
We love hearing from you! Please don’t hesitate to call or email if we can help you, 865-240-2292.
February 12, 2020